LaDue Angus Ranch is located in northwestern South Dakota between Bison and Faith. We have called this community home all of our lives. We were both raised in homes where faith and family values were impressed on us, and are grateful for the sacrifice our parents made allowing us to spend our high school years at Sunshine Bible Academy near Miller, SD. After our marriage in July 1988, we began our life together on Rabbit Creek, 22 miles south of Bison, SD. We are blessed to have been able to raise our 3 children on the ranch. Ranch life is a good way to establish a strong work ethic and to be able to work alongside each other. We enjoy what we do and Brittney, Bethany, and Brian are a vital part of our cattle operation.
About Us
Our Goals
The primary goal at LaDue Angus Ranch is the Angus cow! We strive to raise females that will make their own living, perform on grass and truly work for us, not us working for them! We calve on large native pastures in May and June which requires them to calve, protect, and nurse their calf with no assistance from us. Every cow in our herd must breed in the first 45 days of the breeding season. Fleshing ability on grass and udder quality are top priorities in our herd. We will continue to strive for the same goals we have always had here on our ranch! Raising cattle that have true balance and not chasing extremes. We continue our focus on raising uniform females that will raise market topping calves every year!
Our Focus
What makes us different from other bull producers is that we are truly committed to the commercial cattleman because we are commercial cattlemen at heart! Our desire is to raise females and bulls that truly work for the commercial cattleman. We desire to put our cattle to the test on our place so that when they leave our place and go to yours, they will perform better under your care rather than go down hill. Whether that be a feeder steer, replacement heifer, or a two year old bull.
Why Two Year
Old Bulls?
The main reason we raise all two year old bulls is that we can develop the bulls without ever being pushed! We put our yearling bulls to the test on grass throughout their yearling season. If he doesn’t perform as a yearling on grass, he is culled. A bull’s job is to naturally service cows in large pastures, and we believe a forage tested two year old bull will get the job done better than an overfed yearling! Two year old bulls are also more mature than yearlings, meaning they can service more cows. Developing slowly on grass better ensures structurally sound feet and longevity in your herd!